Samaratoday – Information Channel - Лента новостей «Самара Сегодня»
Hot news about events in Volga Region, In Russia, in the world. Samara life – information about business, politics, Culture of ancient Volga city, official news, press-releases, digest of local, federal and world press.
Detained activists of "The other Russia"
In Samara and Togliatti 11 activists of the oppositional coalition «The other Russia» were detained. They are incriminated in spreading the leaflets calling for «March of disagreeing» on May, 18. In some of them a sign of extremist content was found. The Samara Prosecutor»s office started a criminal case on section of national, racial and religious scrife commencement.
Regional festival "French Spring" is held in Samara from May, 10 to May, 12
The event is going to be held with the assistance of French embassy in Russia and The Ministry of Culture and Youth Policy of Samara region.
Konstantin Titov will take part in laying the flowers to the eternal fire on Glory square
Governor of Samara region Konstantin Titov will take part in laying the flowers to the eternal fire on Glory square and in the grand meeting, devoted to Victory Day in the Officers House.
"Early music" ancient music festival in Samara
From May, 14 to June, 14 there will be held the ancient music festival «Early music» in Samara, Togliatti and Novokuibyshevsk. The festival is the most significant cultural event in Samara region. It is a unique possibility to listen to masterpieces of the world music culture in original sounding.
Periodicals Review May, 5 and May, 7
«Samarskie izvestiya», May, 5
We grudge them nothing
This year they will transfer for the regional hospital for veterans more than 20 mln. roubles. «Samarskie izvestiya» tells about Trustee Council meeting presided by Konstantin Titov.
The centenary of “Volzhskaya kommuna”
On May, 5 governor of Samara region K.Titov took part in solemn celebrations devoted to the century of “Volzhskaya kommuna” at 4 p.m. in “SamArt”.
Konstantin Titov: “Everything is almost ready for the summit”
Governor of Samara region scotch rumours that tell the region has no time to prepare for the summit EU-Russia which is set on May, 17-18. He stressed that the work is in full swing. And it is already at a crucial stage.
Weekly news review — 02-04.05.2007
«AutoVAZ» can unit with «GAZ»
After having sold the share portion of «AutoVAZ» to the «Russkie mashiny» holding which owns «Gorkiy automobile plant», Togliatti car plant and «GAZ» can be amalgamated. Such a decision is considered to be politically correct. The state holding is occupied with the tightening supervision over «AutoVAZ». After it owns 75% share and one the share holding will be assigned to a strategic investor. Among the potential buyers are Renault, Porsche and Fiat.
Samara weekly periodicals review — 02-04.05.2007
«Disagreeing» census
The Samara police registered the activists of an opposition movement before EU-Russia summit. The leaders of the movement — organizers of the «march of the disagreeing» — applied to city administration for holding a procession on May, 18. Whereupon the police arrived at the press-conference of the «disagreeing» and took the ID of the briefing participants.
Periodicals Review — 04.05.07
«Volzhskaya kommuna»
«Gold baritone» as a present for veterans
A concert of the «gold baritone» of Russia, Dmitriy Khvorostovskiy was held on the main square of Samara on May, 2.