Samaratoday – Information Channel - Лента новостей «Самара Сегодня»
Hot news about events in Volga Region, In Russia, in the world. Samara life – information about business, politics, Culture of ancient Volga city, official news, press-releases, digest of local, federal and world press.
The way the space industry develop
Samara space ship designers participate actively in the creation of pilot industrial objects in the space. Nikolay Sevastyanov, the president of space rocket corporation “Energia”, tells about a new nonexpendable space transport system “Cliper”/”Parom”, about autonomous attended modules “Oka” – mini-plants producing crystals and biomaterials in space.
Samara Periodicals review — 11.04.2007
“Volzhskaya kommuna”
Will Samara face avian flu?
The head of Samara veterinary medicine department is sure, that Samara won’t face the avian fly this year. The newspaper informs about it in its return about the past press-conference devoted to the avian flu.
“GM-AvtoVAZ” increases car production
Yesterday the press-cutting service of “GM-AvtoVAZ” informed that in the first quarter of the year the plant increased the car production as compared with the same period of the last year to 28% — 12.424 items. Chevrolet Niva and Chevrolet Viva dealership set 11,9 thousand items in Russia and Former Soviet Republics.
The new motor-racing circuit
The motor-racing circuit construction project of European level in Togliatti is considering at the Russian Federation Government.
The Samara region governor set his hand on a regulation “About giving up governor purses in the fields of science and technology for 2006”
The Samara region governor set his hand on a regulation “About giving up governor purses in the fields of science and technology for 2006” and the governor grants in the fields of science and technology for the first six months of 2007. These purses and grants are given up according to Samara region law “About Region purses and grants in the fields of science and technology, culture and art”. 480 thousand roubles were appropriate for 4 governor purses and 3 mln 20 thousand rbl for grant payment.
“Zhiguli” reduces traveling time interval
The “Zhiguli” train № 9/10 reduces traveling time interval by 29 minutes in Samara – Moscow direction and by 35 minutes in Moscow – Samara direction from May, 27. Since May, 27 the “Zhiguli” train will depart at 5 p.m. from Samara (Moscow time) and will arrive in Moscow at 7.55 a.m. next day. It will return from Moscow at 6.55 p.m. and will arrive at 10 a.m. The traveling time is 14 hours and 55 minutes.
Samara Periodicals review — 10.04.2007
“Rossiyskaya gazeta” (regional edition)
Contraband prevention
Medicine and computer disks are the most common matter for forgery. The participants of the IV All-Russia forum “Market protection from contraband” which took place in Samara these days came to the conclusion that producers and spreaders should be taken into prison.
Holy Fire from Jerusalem in Samara
With benediction of His Holiness Patriarch Alexis II of Moscow and All Russia and well-doers’ energies of St. George cathedral a godly tradition of Holy Fire delivery from Jerusalem to Samara to the Easter was found.
On Friday the YUKOS creditor committee formed another three lots from assets, which will be sold on May, 10-11. The most expensive lot is Samara one, which include YUKOS shares in 28 companies and 100% shares of “Samaraneftegas” and three petroleum refineries – Syran refinery, Kibyshevsky refinery and Novokuibyshevsky refinery.
Samara launch vehicle is ready to coupling
“Souyz-FG” №019, made in Samara state research-and-production missile space center “CSKB-Progress” and the space ship “Soyuz TMA-10” blasted off successfully on April, 7th at 21.31 (Moscow Time). The coupling “Soyuz TMA-10” space ship with ISS set on April, 9 at 23 12.