Samaratoday – Information Channel - Лента новостей «Самара Сегодня»
Hot news about events in Volga Region, In Russia, in the world. Samara life – information about business, politics, Culture of ancient Volga city, official news, press-releases, digest of local, federal and world press.
Konstantin Titov takes part in Union Convention of Russia Mechanician Association
There are delegates from 60 regions of Russia who represent the interests of more than 50 thousand Russian enterprises. The newly founded organization is planned to have initiative and to participate in preparing and draft promotion as well as in creation and realization of the state program.
Periodicals Review — 28.04.07
“Samarskie izvestiya”
Conflagration on a plant
Yesterday a conflagration burst at the Samara aerodrome equipment plant. The burning-surface area came to 800 m2. The joiner»s shop burnt out.
Weekly news review — 23-27.04.2007
The Centenary of Samara Circus
To please the rich one of the oldest Russian theatre-circus “Olympus” was built in Samara at the beginning of the last century. There will be a lot of surprises made up by Federal Agency of Culture and Russian State Circus devoted to the Samara Circus centenary. Samara circus actors hope that they will be able to set a circus tent in Strukovskiy Garden where the summer circus was placed a century ago. The apotheosis of the celebrations will be a grand show of the world-known circus troupes.
Samara weekly periodicals review 23-27.04.2007
“Vechernya Samara”
Revive aircraft building
The scientific and technical council of the Aircraft Propulsion Engineering Union was held on April, 19. “The best minds” of Russian aircraft construction gathered together to think about the ways of reanimation the aviation.
Periodicals review — 27.04.2007
“Volzgskaya kommuna”
“Kalina” in a rush for happiness
LADA KALINA cars became the characters of television series. This autumn on “Rossia” television channel there will be shown a new television series “A Rush for Happiness” where the plot centres around car races with LADA KALINA cars
International festival “Czech Spring” of child-youth art
From March, 27 to April, 4 the International Festival “Czech Spring” of child-youth art took part in Czechia. Samara was represented by a folk musical- choreographic theatre “Iskorki”. It became a first degree laureate in “modern dance” nomination. On April, 25 the group represent Samara in Germany in the International Comntest “Hannover gather its friends”.
First at Martial Arts Olympics – Samara Knife Throwers
From April, 20 to April, 22 Martial arts Olympics “East-West Open” were held in St. Petersburg. The competitions for three karate versions, wushu, taekwondo, knife-throwing and etc were held on tatami and rings. The emblem of the Olympics is the Earth belted with a black belt – the symbol of intellectual perfection and battlecraft, uniting people of good will from all over the world.
The Centenary of Samara Circus
To please the rich one of the oldest Russian theatre-circus “Olympus” was built in Samara at the beginning of the last century. There will be a lot of surprises made up by Federal Agency of Culture and Russian State Circus devoted to the Samara Circus centenary. Samara circus actors hope that they will be able to set a circus tent in Strukovskiy Garden where the summer circus was placed a century ago. The apotheosis of the celebrations will be a grand show of the world-known circus troupes.
Konstantin Titov and his wife took part a civil funeral of Boris Yeltsin
Today Governor of Samara region Konstantin Titov took part in a civil funeral of the first President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin. Tomorrow he is going to take part in a plenary session of the Federation Council of Russia where the President of Russia speaks at the meeting.
Periodicals review — 25.04.2007
“Volzhskaya kommuna”
Theatres on the Volga river
The first All-Russia festival “The Volga theatrical seasons” opened in Samara yesterday. During the week the spectators could see 20 performances of theatres from the whole Russia.