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The international airport “Kurumoch” called the best airport of 2006 in the nomination “Promising Airport”

Samara latest news 24.05.2007

Annual contest is held by one of the most competent public aviation organization “Airport” Association GA. The aim of its holding is the providing the successful development and competitiveness of the airports of the Former Soviet Republic on home and foreign markets, the popularization of their achievements and providing flight safety.

Modernized launch vehicle “Soyuz-2” will replace the existing rockets

Samara latest news 23.05.2007

The Russian park of space launch vehicle of middle class will be unified thanks to the modernization of “Soyuz” vehicle. Putting into operation “Soyuz-2” will allow to replace “Soyuz-U” and “Souyz-FG” and “Molniya – M” by one universal rocket.

A Fund based on the principles of public-private partnership

Samara latest news 23.05.2007

Today the presentation of management companies of The Regional venture investment fund to small-scale enterprise in scientific and technical sphere was held in the building of the Samara region government. The regional government carries out an active policy on making infrastructure for supporting small-scale enterprises which work in scientific and technical sphere. Nowadays a number of industrial parks, business- incubators and other innovation-investment organizations work on the territory of the region.

How to preserve the power of Samara Detroit?

Samara latest news 22.05.2007

May, 23 Minister of Industry and Energy of Samara region Nikolay Sveshnikov will hold the meeting devoted to the auto components production and the development of integration ties with foreign car producers. The agenda of the meeting: exchange of views, informing of business leaders about the co-operation experience with foreign traders and about the usage of “industrial assembling” mechanism.

“Volzhskie sketches”

Samara latest news 22.05.2007

Translated into four languages the film “Volzhskie sketches” was created by request of the government of Samara region and was presented to the guests of “Russia-EU” summit. 24 min of the film tell about gorgeousness and beauty of Samara land as well as masterpieces of armless peasant Grigory Zhuravlyov and mysterious circles near Togliatti.

Samara rockets for Guiana space centre

Samara latest news 22.05.2007

Nowadays “CSKB-Progress” is producing the first two launching vehicle “Soyuz-ST” for Guiana space centre. The contract with Arianespace on launching of Russian rockets from Guiana cosmodrome is to be signed in air show in Le Bourget in June, 2007. Arianespace is an operator of the launching “Soyuz-ST” from Guiana space centre.

“Japanese centre” seminars in Samara

Samara latest news 21.05.2007

From May 10-25 “Japanese center” holds a workshop “Management in process of production”. Japanese experts in the field of management will share experience with their colleagues – the heads of Samara enterprises. Japanese school of management is considered as one of the respected in the world.

Konstantin Titov and Vladimir Putin meet in the state residence “Volzhsky Utyos”

Samara latest news 21.05.2007

At the very beginning of their meeting Vladimir Putin thanked Konstantin Titov for a warm reception at the summit. Then they discuss the perspectives of the region development and a number of programs which can be realized together with Federal authorities. Especially, Konstantin Titov suggested creating an interdepartmental regional center of nanoindustry. The governor noted the success in Samara industry and the production of AN-140.

50 launching from Kuru with the help of “Soyuz”

Samara latest news 18.05.2007

More than 50 Russian launching rockets of middle class “Soyuz-ST” will be used for launching the space apparatus form French Guiana. In Guiana space centre are being built the starting complex for a launching vehicle “Souyz-ST”.

Keep out from Samara, oppositionists!

Samara latest news 18.05.2007

At Moscow airport the leaders of “The other Russia” Harry Kasparov, Eduard Limonov and the lawyer Leo Ponomaryov were detained being about going to Samara. About 20 people as well as journalists from American Wall Street Journal and British The Daily Telegraph stayed in Sheremetyevo airport. The only who can leave for Samara were the German.