«Volzhskaya kommuna»

Cosmonautics Day

The newspaper publishes the congratulations of Samara region governor Konstantin Titov, chairman of the Samara regional Duma, V.Sazonov and main federal inspector in Samara region, S.Sychyov to workers in the industry and to all the Samara citizens.

«Rossiyskaya gazeta» (regional edition)

Order from NASA

Samara rocket designers received a present from abroad to Cosmonautics Day. The Americans informed their partners from Samara state research-and-production missile space center «CSKB-Progress» about the decision to deliver American astronauts to the ISS by Russian space ships «Souyz» and the goods — by «Progress».

«Samarskie izvestiya»

The region will fight for investments

Samara region can change the priority specialization owing to its geographical location and redirect the economic toward rendering of logistics service. Industrial parks are the basis of innovation development of the region.

«Samaraskaya gazeta»

Kazakhstan is interested in Samara experience

A panel discussion «Communication of experience in students training» with the assistance of a delegation from Kazakhstan was held in the Medical prophylaxis centre.


Moling to White House

In the centre of Samara an underground town will be built. Regional authorities activated forgotten project of construction an office shopping and leisure complex under the Slava square. Besides, it is planned to build a high-rise hotel on the quay. Many of the participants of the project consider the project as fantastic one.
