Samara Periodicals review — 11.04.2007
“Volzhskaya kommuna”
Will Samara face avian flu?
The head of Samara veterinary medicine department is sure, that Samara won’t face the avian fly this year. The newspaper informs about it in its return about the past press-conference devoted to the avian flu.
“Argumenty i facty”
Samara Courchevel. Is it possible?
The battle between ecologists and the regional tourism department for reserved grounds of Samarskaya Luka is related to environmental groups and businessmen confrontation in Sochi. According to a grand project suggested by the regional government,it is planned to build a rope-way, an ethnographic settlement, a biathlon and sport complex, a cottage settlement; to create some tourist’s routes etc.
“Samrskie izvestiya”
The region will fight for investments
Samara region can change the priority specialization owing to its geographical location and redirect the economic toward rendering of logistics service. Industrial parks are the basis of innovation development of the region.