«Volzhskaya kommuna»

The governor supported by deputies

Konstantin Titov keeps on receiving letters and telegrams with support of its initiative about transferring of Soldier-liberator monument from Estonia to Samara region.

«Samarskie izvestiya»

AutoVAZ Bust

New cars sales increases. Meanwhile AutoVAZ reduced the volume of sales on 3,5 % inside of the country.

«Volzhskaya Zarya»

“Kurumoch” waits for changes

International airport Kurumoch took part in VII International innovations and investments showroom in Moscow. It presented projects of reconstruction and modernization of an airport complex, landing visually-laser system of air ships «Glissada-04» and etc.

«Vedomosti» (regional edition)

No Commercial Premises Deficit

More than ten large shopping centers will appear in Samara in the near future. Anyway, there is no commercial premises deficit. Last two years commercial premises quantum satis appeared.
