«Volzhskaya kommuna»

Samara project is approved by the President

At the 6th International Investment Forum in Sochi Samara region presented 21 projects among them there are some house building and metropolitan area network projects as well as the project of M5 federal highway development.

Approved by French Parliament

The French Parliament supported the ratification of the launching treaty of Samara launching vehicle «Souyz» from Kourou, French Guiana between France and ESA.

«Volzhskaya zarya»

The perspectives of a new era

The grand opening of «Samara Assembly — 2007» will take place at Samara Philharmonic Society on September 26, the theme of which is «The youth of XXI century: the perspectives of a new era». There the governor»s grants in the sphere of culture and art will be presented for the first half of the year 2007 and the festive concert «The youth is the energy of life» will be held.

«Samaraskaya gazeta»

Archeological dig at Iverski convent

During the planned protective and saving works at Iverski convent more than 700 burial places of Samara nobility were found.
