“Vedomosti” (regional edition)

The director of reserve answered for oil production

The head of national park «Samarskaya Luka» is dismissed.

The recent visit of Rosprirodnadzor deputy administrator Oleg Mitvol to Samara region has not passed away for national park «Samarskaya Luka» where a daughter enterprise of UKOS «Samaraneftegaz» had oil production. The ministry of natural resources dismissed the director of «Samarskaya Luka» Vladimir Nazarov who allowed the company to work in the reserve.

“Samarskie izvestiya”

For the equal right to live

Senior staff of oncologists and medical practitioner gathered together in the Regional Ministry of Health and Social Development. They gave a start to a new complex project “Equal Right to Live” – an All-Russia oncological social program, which is being held, in this region.

Days of French language in Samara

Within the next few days there will be an unusual and even an exotic event in a cultural life of Samara: “Alliance Français” society presents the days of francophone in Samara. These days in Samara are devoted to Africa. Officially, the days will open on March 18 in “Alliance Français”.

“Volzhskaya kommuna”

Making an advance against cancer

A unique center of cellular technologies is opened in Samara. With its help, it will be easier to treat such “diseases of this century” as cancer and other oncological and vascular pathologies, dysbolism, and hormone disorders.

“Samarskie izvestiya”

“Live surgery”

For the first time during a conference “Eroshevsky readings-2007” there will be direct transmission “Live surgery” from operating-room of Samara Eroshevsky ophthalmologic hospital.

The ophthalmologists, being in operating-room, will perform some operations which will be broadcast for all participants of the conference.

“Night bus” in Tolyatti

Last year an action during which the bus with meal and clothes for the homeless travelled about the city was held. This year the project has got the European grant as a support. It is planned to employed city dining rooms, restaurants, which will provide with products as well as those who do what one can to help.
